Welcome to my Client Closet Guide

6-12 Month Old Closet


Fully Wrapped in Prop

Hands on Chin in Prop

Loveheart Bowl

Outfits in Props


Newborn Closet


Froggy Pose

Taco Pose

Taco Flip/Womb Pose

Hanging Pose

Side Pose

Tucked In Pose


Bum Up Pose

Ribbed Green Onsie, Night Cap and Matching Pillow

Swing Pose

Hands Under Chin Pose

Brown short with matching vest

Huck Finn Pose; Below - Flokati

Huck Finn Pose; Below - Flokati

Huck Finn Pose; Below - Flokati

Fully Wrapped in Prop

Fully Wrapped in Prop

Fully Wrapped in Prop

Fully Wrapped in Prop

Fully Wrapped in Prop